Taxes on Cryptocurrency & NFT's

Taxes on Cryptocurrency & NFT’s have become a trending topic in recent years.

With their rise in popularity, there has been an increase in interest in the tax implications of owning and investing in these digital assets.

In this article, we will be addressing some of the most frequently asked questions about taxes on cryptocurrencies and NFTs, and how recent tax law changes in the UK may affect crypto investors.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that cryptocurrencies and NFTs are considered assets for tax purposes.

As such, any gains or losses made from the buying and selling of these digital assets are subject to capital gains tax (CGT) in the UK.

However, the way in which CGT is applied to these assets can vary depending on how they are acquired.

If an individual purchases cryptocurrency or NFTs directly from an exchange, they will be required to pay CGT on any gains made when they sell their assets.

However, if they mine cryptocurrency or create an NFT, the tax implications can become more complicated.

In these cases, the value of the assets will need to be calculated based on their market value at the time they were acquired.

Furthermore, recent tax law changes in the UK have introduced additional reporting requirements for crypto investors.

As of April 2022, individuals who hold more than £10,000 worth of cryptocurrency or NFTs will need to declare their holdings to HMRC. This includes providing information on the type of asset, the value, and the date of acquisition. Failure to do so could result in penalties and fines.

It’s worth noting that tax laws can vary significantly between countries.

Therefore, it’s crucial to seek professional advice if you’re unsure about the tax implications of owning and investing in cryptocurrencies and NFTs in your jurisdiction.


In summary, owning and investing in cryptocurrencies and NFTs can have tax implications.

It’s essential to understand the rules and regulations surrounding these assets to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Recent tax law changes in the UK have introduced additional reporting requirements for crypto investors, making it more important than ever to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations.

Seeking professional advice can help ensure that you’re fully aware of your tax obligations and avoid any potential penalties or fines.

Taxes on Cryptocurrency & NFT’s.

This is something everyone wants to find out these days.

Cryptocurrency & NFT’s are the hot topic these days. We will be discussing the most requested topic “Tax implications on cryptocurrencies”.

We will be answering questions related to the latest tax law changes in the UK and how they affect crypto investors.

This is a FREE virtual event that you will not want to miss!

Q&A session on Tax Implications On Cryptocurrencies
Where: Clubhouse app
When: Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 8pm

Here are steps to follow to join the discussion:

Step 1
: Download Clubhouse App from here (click here).
Step 2: Join our Cubed Club on Clubhouse App by clicking here (Cubed Club).
Step 3: Set a reminder and do not forget to join.

Hope to see you there!

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Crypto and NFT’s

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