We invite you to participate in our comprehensive questionnaire designed to assess your eligibility for assistance with removing a CIFAS marker. This is your opportunity to receive professional support tailored to your specific situation.

To ensure we provide you with the best possible assistance, please complete the questionnaire with as much detail as possible. Your thorough responses will help us understand your case and determine the most effective strategy for addressing your CIFAS marker.

Why Participate?

  • Personalized Assistance: Our team of experts will review your case and offer customized advice and support.
  • Confidential Evaluation: Your information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and used solely for the purpose of evaluating your eligibility.
  • Potential Solutions: Discover actionable steps you can take to potentially remove the CIFAS marker and improve your financial standing.

How to Participate:

  1. Complete the Questionnaire: Provide detailed and accurate information to all questions.
  2. Submit Your Responses: Ensure all sections are filled out before submitting.
  3. Await Our Response: Our team will review your submission and contact you with the next steps.

Your journey to resolving your CIFAS marker starts here. Take the first step by filling out the questionnaire today!

Get Started Now:

CIFAS (Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System) is a UK fraud prevention service that aims to detect and prevent fraud across various sectors, including financial services, telecommunications, insurance, and more.

If you have questions about CIFAS markers, I can certainly help answer them.

What is a CIFAS marker?

A CIFAS marker is a warning flag placed on an individual's or company's credit file to indicate that they may be at a higher risk of being involved in fraudulent activities. The marker is added by a member organisation of CIFAS when they suspect or detect fraudulent behaviour in relation to financial products or services.

Who can add a CIFAS marker to my credit file?

Only organisations that are members of CIFAS can add a marker to your credit file. These members include banks, lenders, insurance companies, telecom providers, and other financial institutions that are part of the CIFAS network.

Why was a CIFAS marker added to my credit file?

The specific reason for adding a CIFAS marker to your credit file will depend on the member organisation that reported it. It's essential to contact CIFAS directly to understand the reason for the marker and which organization placed it.

How does a CIFAS marker affect me?

Having a CIFAS marker on your credit file can make obtaining credit, financial products, or services more challenging. Lenders and other organisations may view the marker as an indication of increased risk, making them less likely to approve applications for credit cards, loans, mortgages, etc.

How long does a CIFAS marker stay on my credit file?

The duration of a CIFAS marker can vary depending on the type and severity of the fraud. Generally, CIFAS markers can remain on your credit file for up to six years. After this period, the marker should automatically be removed.

Can I dispute a CIFAS marker?

Yes, if you believe that a CIFAS marker has been added to your credit file incorrectly, you have the right to dispute it. You should contact CIFAS and provide any relevant evidence to support your case. CIFAS will investigate the matter, and if they find the marker was added in error, they will remove it from your credit file.

How can I check if I have a CIFAS marker on my credit file?

To check if you have a CIFAS marker, request a copy of your credit report from one of the UK's credit reference agencies. The main agencies are Experian, Equifax, and CIFAS Data Subject Access Request (DSAR). You can request your credit report online.

CIFAS (Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System) markers, also known as fraud warnings, are used in the UK to indicate suspicious activities that could indicate fraud. Here’s a list of common types of CIFAS markers that might be placed on an individual’s record:

  1. First-party fraud indicates that an individual has committed fraud against a financial institution through deception or false representation.
  2. Third-Party Fraud (Identity Theft) – Used when an individual’s personal information is stolen and used fraudulently by another person.
  3. Application Fraud (False Application) – Placed when false or exaggerated information is used on an application form.
  4. Misuse of Facility – Indicates that an account, policy, or other facility has been used fraudulently.
  5. Asset Conversion is used when an individual sells something that they do not own or disposes of assets that are subject to a finance agreement.
  6. Victim of Impersonation – Used to record instances where an individual’s identity has been used by someone else to commit fraud (also part of Third Party Fraud).
  7. ⁠Insurance Claim Fraud – Indicates fraudulent activities related to making false or exaggerated insurance claims.
  8. Facility Takeover—This indicates that a third party has taken control of an existing account, policy, or other facility.
  9. Telecommunications Fraud – Relates to fraud committed using telecommunications systems, including phone and internet services.
  10. ⁠False Insurance Claim – Placed when a claim under an insurance policy is found to have been made fraudulently.
  11. ⁠Insurance Proposal Fraud – Used when false information is provided at the proposal stage of obtaining an insurance policy.