Corporate Advisory is the name we give to bespoke, ad hoc, frequently one off services that are necessary at the various natural stages of a business’ development.

From StartUp through Growth into Maturity and possibly the sale of a business to a larger, global player – we can provide the necessary financial support, analysis, forecasting tools and valuation methods that all our clients need from time to time.

Corporate Advisory

Profit maximisation

What are your margins, and your fixed costs? Do you know your breakeven point. What should your daily weekly monthly sales be in able to cover your costs and so make running your own business viable at worst, lucrative ideally.

Through use of bookkeeping software and the tools imbedded within them – Sage, Xero, Access, QuickBooks – this is so much easier than you may think.

Business is all about retaining more bottom line so that your choices increase – expansion, investment, dividends, faster growth.

Cubed can help show you the way.

Corporate strategy

Without getting ahead of ourselves, sometimes a simple business review that identifies the opportunities out there and some of the barriers preventing taking your business to the next level, is more than worthwhile.

This would typically involve:

  • Where is the business at right now
  • Where do you want it to be, what do you want it to look like
  • What tools or software may you need to take you from now to tomorrow?
  • And once you get there, what processes do you imbed in the organisation for ongoing improvement.

Easier said than done – but at Cubed we help you do it, not just talk about it.

Corporate structuring

Is your business operating within the right legal structure? Are your customers mostly onshore or offshore? What structure might better assist them as well as minimising any tax leakages.

From partnership to limited company; not for profit charity or company limited by guarantee; sole trader or business with several classes of share capital. When you are aware of the differences, the right structure usually jumps out of the page

Business forecasting

There are a myriad of reasons why you may need to forecast where the future is likely to take you. Most commonly for, but not restricted to:

  • Sale of a business
  • Renewal of banking facilities
  • Personal financial reasons
  • Change of shareholders
  • Understanding the business’ cash requirements
  • Affordability of new assets needed to grow

Identifying your businesses’ key sensitivities, and which variable has the most impact on the most likely expected outcome is a great first step in developing strategic planning and growth. We’ve done it before, and we can help you do it too.

Budgeting and flexed budgets

If you never set a target, the likelihood is that you’ll never get there

Just as importantly is the fact that the best laid plans of mice and men need to change. Or flex – to respond to matters outside of your control.

Customers and Suppliers are largely outside of your control

Internal controls processes people and structures are the things you can control

The softwares used today enable you to implement both fixed and flexible budgets. Let us show you how.

Business valuations

Every business is worth a million pounds! And if there’s 2 shareholders, well that’s 2 million. Add in a partner each and that’s 4 million pounds! well business valuations can actually be more scientific than that.

Come in for an informal discussion and decide if an historic earnings basis is best. Maybe the business is growing exponentially and so a valuation based on future forecasts you feel more appropriate.

Cubed will help you make that right choice to maximise shareholder value.

Fund raising

Cubed work with a number of banks and financial intermediaries to get the right loans and facilities at the affordability levels and rates that work for each business. Secured or unsecured is a choice many directors will not be aware are available. As invoice finance, inventory secured borrowing and export guarantee facilities are all more accessible than you may think.

Alternatively you may just be wanting to raise fresh equity; we can introduce you to a number of investment companies, sophisticated investors and high net worth individuals. What is the right issue price for fresh equity? What is investor appetite right now? Is the timing right? Cubed constantly have our feelers out there to facilitate best advice at all times.

Cubed has the contacts that are right for you.


Sometimes a business just needs more time to breathe. Payment holidays – a transition to interest only for period to enable cash collation after a period of difficulties. Not everyone is aware that all Bounce Back Loans (BBLs) that were part of the UK government’s official scheme, are automatically eligible for extensions, reductions, suspensions and resets.

The important thing is what the business can afford and what works for you. Cubed have assisted and re-structured for a large number of clients.

Sometimes you may simply want to collect all your debts into one number, VAT, PAYE, BBLs, HP contracts – and move to a simpler, more affordable approved arrangements.

Cubed assist clients everyday approach HMRC and bring scary numbers back under control again .

Insolvency services

And of course sometimes, events just conspire against you. And no matter what you do, the shifting sands of economics or global pressures render a once profitable business model impossible to support. Come in for a conversation, we help draw up a current financial position of the business, and if there is simply no way through – no way to refinance or restructure – we can assist you find a legal, painless way to close down and ensure staff customers and suppliers are treated fairly.

Members voluntary arrangements (MVA) creditors voluntary arrangements (CVA) or a quick and efficient liquidation. We can help you make the right decision under the Insolvency Act 1986 provisions, and put an end to those sleepless nights.

The same may be necessary – although different rules apply – at an individual rather than corporate level. Cubed has you covered.

Large enough to meet all your financial needs. Small enough to know your name when you call.


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